I think I'm on the verge of breakdown.
It's funny, don't you think?
All the facade, all the lies could break down so easily in a matter of seconds.
I tried (no you didn't) to ask for help, but my mind told me that it's a waste of their time.
(No I didn't. You don't want to do it because it will cost you time, Your Laziness.)
Even now, I'm still more concerned about the grammar in this post then my grade, the one thing that I'm supposed to care about.
(Also, why are you still typing this. Don't you have work to do? A lot of them in fact.)
It's really sad that I know what I'm supposed to do, but couldn't do it because my short attention span (and laziness).
(It's like knowing that a car crash will happen ten kilometres down the road, but every single cell of the driver is glued to the front seat. You couldn't steer. You couldn't brake. All you can do is hope that the crash will be quick and easy for you.)
I'm (not) sorry for typing all of these. I'm (not) sorry if this bothers you. I really need to type this though. Not to get it out of my system, but to remind me of this moment, this feeling right now. If I don't, by tomorrow I'll forget all of this, and then discover this feeling again. Stuck in an endless loop, what am I to do?
(Fix your roof while it's sunny, damn it!)
I'm (not) sorry for typing this in English, even though I'm 100% Taiwanese.
(Why do you even type in English anyway? To flex your skill? Maybe you should add a translation.)
I'm (not) sorry for all this whining. I know there are a lot of people who are facing worse situation than me. Especially people who are in Hong Kong right now.
(Whoa, unnecessary political landmine is unnecessary.)
I'm sorry for anyone who has to check if this post contain any unsuitable language.
(Are you done yet, attention seeker? I didn't call you whore because I don't think this will gain any attention. Or perhaps this is reverse psychology?)
I think that's it for tonight. See you tomorrow.
(Or not. He's probably not going to do this ever again. Not because he will cease to exist, but because this is such a cringe post.)
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